Monday, November 30, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year we spent the holiday in Las Vegas at my Lolo and Lola's house. Mama and Dada have a new camera, and they're still figuring out how to use it. Sorry for the blurred pictures!

I entertained the crowd with my lion sound ("arrrrr"), my wolf ("owwww"), my dog ("arh"), and my monkey ("ah uh uh ah"). At 18 months old, I can say almost 50 words and numerous animal sounds. Getting a family picture is a little tricky nowadays -- I don't like to sit still!
Here I am with my Uncle Jun and Auntie Lydia
Uncle Jun has plenty to say on just about everything. He's very interesting . . .
. . . and very funny too!
Here I am with my Lola
I love my Lola!
We sang "I have two hands, the left and the right . . ."

Thanksgiving was so much fun because my cousin Madi was in town.

We ran around the house a lot, but sometimes we fell down

We got right back up though!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving too :)

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