Monday, November 30, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year we spent the holiday in Las Vegas at my Lolo and Lola's house. Mama and Dada have a new camera, and they're still figuring out how to use it. Sorry for the blurred pictures!

I entertained the crowd with my lion sound ("arrrrr"), my wolf ("owwww"), my dog ("arh"), and my monkey ("ah uh uh ah"). At 18 months old, I can say almost 50 words and numerous animal sounds. Getting a family picture is a little tricky nowadays -- I don't like to sit still!
Here I am with my Uncle Jun and Auntie Lydia
Uncle Jun has plenty to say on just about everything. He's very interesting . . .
. . . and very funny too!
Here I am with my Lola
I love my Lola!
We sang "I have two hands, the left and the right . . ."

Thanksgiving was so much fun because my cousin Madi was in town.

We ran around the house a lot, but sometimes we fell down

We got right back up though!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving too :)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Las Vegas

During my trip to Las Vegas for the Thanksgiving holiday, we went to see the sights. The lions at MGM were really cool.

We had lunch at the MGM Cafe. Here I am placing my order . . .
. . . and then I had to make an important call.
Daddy and I had fun with the lightsabers at the toy store
We also went to the Bellagio to check out the room my relatives were staying in
WOW . . . that's a nice view!
When you visit the Bellagio, you always have to visit the Atrium! Here I am with my Lolo and Lola
Vegas baby, Vegas. It's my kind of town :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Park

Today we drove down to San Diego to visit Auntie Young and Uncle Carl. I had so much fun playing with them at the park!

I love the park. We should go everyday!