Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter in Vallejo

My family and I went to the Bay Area to celebrate Easter. On Saturday night, there was a big family party. Uncle Carl played guitar for us. I think the guitar sounds really nice. Maybe I'll play the guitar someday because Uncle Carl will teach me . . .

. . . or maybe I'll play the piano and Uncle Carlo can teach me. I have so many options!

Here I am with Uncle Carlo and Auntie Archelle on Easter Sunday.

We took so many pictures. This is one of my favorites because it's with my cousin Madilyn. Isn't she CUTE?

There sure were a lot of people looking at us . . .

We are definitely popular!
Mommy, Daddy and Me

Lolo and Lola, Uncle Carlo and Auntie Archelle, Uncle Carl and Auntie Young, and Mommy, Daddy and me
My extended Abulencia family

1 comment:

That Crazy Drunk Guy said...

Danger! Keep the kid away from That Crazy Drunk Guy at the piano.