Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Wishing you love and laughter this Holiday season and throughout the New Year!
Love, The Mellohs
Mike, Cara and Lucas (19 months)

Merry Christmas from The Abulencias!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December with my friends

The things my mother makes me wear!  This is the reindeer hat she made for me.  I think it's silly, but she insisted it's super cute.

Here I am with my friend Lily.

I don't think she appreciated my hand on her leg!

We had lots of fun at the museum today.

Here I am playing with my friends in my big backyard.

We said hello to the neighbors dog.

I also went to my friends house

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

An Update!

Hi everyone! I'm BAAAACK. It's not my fault, I swear! I know it's been months and months since my latest blog update, but Mommy won't let me post until she checks my work, and she waited and waited and waited. Geez. Apparently she wasn't feeling too well right after my birthday party, and then she was tired all the time. She told me she's making me a sister, and that requires a lot of energy. I guess that's a good excuse. Just don't let it happen again Mom!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year we spent the holiday in Las Vegas at my Lolo and Lola's house. Mama and Dada have a new camera, and they're still figuring out how to use it. Sorry for the blurred pictures!

I entertained the crowd with my lion sound ("arrrrr"), my wolf ("owwww"), my dog ("arh"), and my monkey ("ah uh uh ah"). At 18 months old, I can say almost 50 words and numerous animal sounds. Getting a family picture is a little tricky nowadays -- I don't like to sit still!
Here I am with my Uncle Jun and Auntie Lydia
Uncle Jun has plenty to say on just about everything. He's very interesting . . .
. . . and very funny too!
Here I am with my Lola
I love my Lola!
We sang "I have two hands, the left and the right . . ."

Thanksgiving was so much fun because my cousin Madi was in town.

We ran around the house a lot, but sometimes we fell down

We got right back up though!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving too :)