Sunday, July 20, 2008

My first trip

I went on my first trip to visit Lola and Lolo in Las Vegas. When I first got to their house, I was so confused. Where the heck am I?

Lola tried to make me feel better . . .

. . . and Daddy threw me in the air. It's my favorite ride!



Finally, I was a-ok.
I had a great time with both Lola and Lolo. Next time we'll take more pictures! Lola took really good care of me and Lolo played with me all the time. He even taught me animal sounds! I can't wait to visit again :)

1 comment:

Sweet Potato said...

Cara, I think Lucas was really thinking, when can I get to those Texas Holdem tables and show them what I've got! Don't hold me back. Yes, I've got another 21 years until I'm "legal", but its in the genes!