Thursday, November 27, 2008


Oh my gosh!!! What is THAT???

Is it ok Mommy? Will it hurt me?

It's a turkey, apparently. She says it won't hurt me.

Tita Joyce . . . what do you think?

She says it's safe too! (so does Auntie Archelle in the background)

I'll just slap it to make sure.

Mommy and Me and the turkey that won't hurt me on Thanksgiving Day

Daddy too!!!

My Auntie Young

Here I am with Tito Jonie who is whispering his hair styling secrets to me

I showed Lola and Lolo that I can "High Five!!!"

High Five Tito John!

I really like Tito Jojo. He makes me laugh and laugh . . .

and laugh and laugh . . .

Me and Auntie Dolly

Singing along with the family

I want to play the piano too! Uncle Carlo will teach me :)

In my favorite backpack with Auntie Young

High Five!!! Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving too!!

6 months old

Thanksgiving Day was also my 6 month birthday! Happy Birthday to me :)

I can now sit up very well. My pediatrician says this is developmentally advanced. Not sure what that means but it sounds really important. I love to play with toys and use my hands to "rake" them towards me and bring them to my mouth. Everything tastes good! I can grab my feet when I'm on my back and put them in my mouth because those taste good too :) I love to eat my cereal and baby food, and open my mouth really really wide for my mommy to feed me. I even open my mouth wide when she's not yet ready!

Friday, November 21, 2008

My First Carousel Ride

It was so much fun! I smiled the whole time :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Latest "Model" Pics

Yes, it's true. I've gone Hollywood! I have my very own agent. Her name is Heather and she's really nice. She wanted more pictures of me . . .

How many pictures can you possibly need?

I'd rather suck my thumb . . .

. . . or even my whole hand! It tastes good!

OK, fine, I'll give you a half smile...
How about a headshot?
Too bad this one is blurred!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our New President

CONGRATULATIONS to my fellow man of mixed heritage -
President-Elect Barack Obama!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Girls

Here I am with my girls . . . that's Lily, Tamilyn, Allyson and Gianna.

Oh, OK. I suppose there were other boys there so I should let them get a shot too. That's Nathan and Anthony to my left. Since Mommy started a mommy group, I have lots of new friends!!!