Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Today is August 27th, and I am 3 months old. Happy Birthday to me! I now weigh 12 lbs, 10 oz, and I'm 23 inches long. I smile at anyone who smiles at me, babble on and on about my day to anyone who will listen, and I've started to laugh!! No high-pitched giggle for me of course. It's more like a chuckle. Or a chortle? Ask my parents . . . they do a good impression. I also love it when you sing to me and will smile once again. I've also heard I've got another side that pouts or cries when I don't get my way. Hmmmm . . .

Since it's my birthday, my family once again insists on taking my picture. Here we go again . . .

Now what do you want me to do??

We do this over and over again!

A smile. That's what you want?

Maybe . . .

How's this?

Wait. You want me on my BACK???!??

No, this isn't working for me.

I don't think I photograph as well.

Cmon people!

Oh, that's much better :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

A New Discovery


What's THAT????

Down there???!!??

I can't figure it out!! It's so weird looking and it keeps wiggling!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What about me????

During moving day, we stopped to have something called a "birthday party" for Uncle Carlo. What about me????? When do I get a birthday party???? It looks pretty cool. You get a cake with candles . . .

. . . and then you get to make a wish and blow out the candles . . .

. . . and then you get to eat cake. What about me???? When do I get to eat cake????

AND you get cards and presents. I'm so sad. When is it my turn??

Please come to my baptism!

Hi Lolo! I'd like to personally invite you to my baptism on September 13th. Here is your invitation. Hope you can make it!

I hope you can make it too Auntie Hinda :)

You really must attend Auntie Lydia and Uncle Jun. It wouldn't be the same without you!
Uncle Carl and Auntie Young! You'll be there, won't you?

And of course, Uncle Carlo. Hope to see you there!

A New Home

Well, luckily I found the couch . . .

. . . but everything else looks REALLY different!

For example, check out the floor. It's WHITE.

And there's so much more room! And sunlight! Lots of sunlight!

And now there's something called a piano. I had a good time watching all my relatives try and put that thing upright :)

It sure took a lot of people!

. . . but I knew they could do it. I have very talented relatives :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Moving Day

That's funny . . .

. . . I know there used to be a table over there . .

. . . and a picture over there . . .

. . . but instead there are boxes and boxes!! Are we going somewhere?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Late Nights

Gosh, these Olympics sure go until late at night! I can't keep up! I always fall asleep before I can see my girlfriend Shawn Johnson. You know she's only a little bit taller than me so we look good together :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Man in the Mirror

I have a new friend . . .

. . . who seems to be around ALL THE TIME!

That's ok though, because I really like him. He keeps me company and smiles a lot :)

"Hey there . . . how YOU doin'?"

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Happy Birthday Mommy! Today Mommy turned 31. Supposedly.

The entire family got together and sang that Happy Birthday song for her . . .

. . . and then afterwards Uncle Carl sang a few songs with Uncle Carlo accompanying on the piano.

Supposedly Lolo joined in later, but by then it was my naptime so I missed it! Maybe next time.

Friday, August 8, 2008

The 2008 Olympic Games

Thought I'd wear an extra special outfit to show my support for the US. Go USA! Today is the Opening Ceremonies for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

(special thanks to Lola for the outfit)

I will wave my flag proudly to show my support!

Huh. Well, this is the best I could do.

Well, I lasted through the guys with the drums, and I saw the little girl sing (or lip-sync as it turns out). By the time the torch was lit, I was a goner. It's going to be a lot of fun the next few weeks watching our teams in various events :)

Spanky and Me

Wow. What is THAT? Never seen one of those before.

Yeah. I'm not scared of you.

He looks ok now. Maybe we can be friends :)